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Products Quality And Safety

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Independent distributor of PM International AG / FitLine

The products from Germany, with which we have been working as independent partners of PM International / FitLine Products since 2001 and distribute worldwide, score with outstanding quality and safety in many respects.

We know of no other manufacturer in the industry that can boast this combination of quality standards, awards, exclusive research and development, independent testing, cooperation with institutes, and with comparable results of products.

Dietary supplements that target the cellular level must be particularly safe. This is important not only for competitive athletes, but for each of us who uses the products.

The mere fact that the products have been used by thousands of people worldwide for over 30 years, including several thousand professional athletes, by doctors, clinics, fitness trainers, etc. should give you the necessary sense of security and trustworthiness. Approvals in over 40 countries worldwide, umpteen company awards for innovation and more, and over 70 patents on the product line, technologies and formulas add up and speak for themselves.

Now the only question is when you do your test, and try the products for your own quality of life.

FitLine products quality - glass of Fit Line Drink

Quality And Safety Facts

  • Products Made in Germany according to the highest quality and purity standard GMP. This is the production standard for medical products, which is not necessary for the food sector and is therefore almost never used in this industry
  • Developed and constantly refined by several 100 scientists, physicians, nutrition, cosmetics experts and food chemists in cooperation with international research institutes such as the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
  • Continuous development of products based on the latest research and improvements in formulations
  • More than 70 patents on the products, formulations and technologies
  • Experience results due to the patented Nutrient Transport Concept. It delivers nutrients when they are needed, where they are needed - to the cellular level from inside and outside
  • Independent and extensive testing by external institutes such as ELAB Analytik GmbH:
    The analyses of selected quality parameters carried out regularly and independently by ELAB Analytik GmbH complement the company's own product controls and help to improve product quality even further. All sampling is done as random sampling, directly from the central warehouse. This ensures the integrity of the test samples and the independence of the testing at all times. The laboratory testing checks important quality and value-determining properties of the products, such as vitamins, minerals and other nutrient contents. Selected products receive an Internet link (QR code) on the product label that leads to detailed information about the test plan (test parameters and test frequencies) on the ELAB Analytik GmbH website. There, it is transparently evident which products have been tested and what the results are.
  • The company voluntarily has all products regularly tested for doping-relevant substances:
    The products are listed on the "Cologne List®" - for a safe use of FitLine sport products. This list presents products that have been successfully tested for doping substances. Testing is performed by a world-leading laboratory in the field of nutrient analysis
  • All products are free of artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, and free of preservatives and other harmful substances
  • High quality, pure and natural ingredients, and formulations according to the needs and absorption capacity of the human body, and taking into account synergistic effects for the best results
  • The products are therefore also highly safe for sports: they are used worldwide by sports federations and professional athletes, such as the German and Austrian Ski Federation, the Federation of German Cyclists, the German National Ice Hockey Team and many others
  • You have a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, so you can try the products risk-free

What distinguishes these dietary supplements?

When users or curious, interested people look at our products without studying them more intensively and knowing the background, ambiguities and total misconceptions about how these dietary supplements differ from other manufacturers or even low-cost suppliers usually arise.

Not infrequently, we therefore come across articles and videos by completely ignorant people who make a complete misjudgement and completely unfounded comparisons and assessments. Yes, how should these authors also know the products, if they have neither dealt with them, nor collected and listened to experiences? Relevant information about the background of the formulas and technologies can neither be read anywhere on the Internet, nor found on the packaging of a product, because after all these belong to the company secret, are components of patents and much more.

In this respect, we would definitely recommend caution. You can only get really solid and relevant information from the manufacturer itself, or from retailers like us, who know the product line and the background in depth. Even most satisfied users won't be able to tell you details about the specifics, they just use the supplements out of conviction because they feel the difference.

Comparing a dietary supplement from our product line, for example, based on the ingredient lists with an Amazon product for a few dollars and thinking that there are no differences is completely absurd and only provides you with a massive misjudgment. Always think: Which products are used by professional athletes and sports associations, and do you think that they would have too little competence to correctly assess the quality of a product? Less competence than the YouTuber who thinks he can explain that our product line is not of higher quality? Who do you think has more expertise and experience? Professional athletes and sports associations use FitLine supplements, and not the cheap Amazon product, because this has sound reasons.

Other, not automatically inexpensive manufacturers do not provide the technologies and quality features that you get with our products. Patented recipes and technologies that have been developed over many years, for example, cannot simply be imitated or even copied. For example, the product C Balance has been developed over 9 years and finally received an official research award for it, which appeared in the official media and press. You won't know that from the ingredient list. If you don't know the background, you might think that you just need to throw these ingredients together and you could make the same product.

Such developments require a lot of money and so the final product also has a different price and value. Hardly any manufacturer has the resources and technical possibilities available to carry out such developments and research. You will also never get the same quality and benefit with a product that costs only a few dollars and is placed on a supermarket shelf, for example. That is impossible.

In fact, these seemingly "cheap" products are usually massively overpriced for what they offer. Many users do not realize this either, opting for cheaper preparations from other manufacturers with the aim of saving money. The bottom line is that this calculation usually does not add up. Cheap ingredients, formulas without any scientific basis, pointless individual substances that the body can hardly or not at all absorb in the worst case, up to harmful additives are not uncommon. And even if all these weaknesses do not apply, the product then still lacks the unique technologies of the Nutrient Transport Concept, which no other manufacturer has.

You can also read some more in our Questions and Answers collection.

Finally, it is the question and your decision what kind of quality and added value you want for your body, and what is your priority - Do you have questions about it and want to know more? Then contact our expert advice and we will be happy to take time for you.

Pay attention to the following quality features of dietary supplements

We recommend that you always pay attention to the following quality features of dietary supplements:

  • Do not use single substances, such as a calcium or magnesium tablet. Your body always needs a balanced combination of essential substances that work together and are interdependent. Long-term, one-sided intake can only benefit your body to a very limited extent or not at all, and can also upset the balance of nutrients and in turn influence it unfavorably.
  • High quantity is not always better. Nutrients are only useful if they can be absorbed in the body. For many substances, the body has only limited capacities for absorption. Therefore, the decisive factor is not how much you take, but how much your body can absorb. And a good basic supply belongs then every day taken, and for example not only 1 x in 4 weeks.
  • It should not contain useless fillers, which, for example, only serve the production (such as stearate), but are doubtful for your body. In addition, no chemical or even toxic substances such as dyes, etc. should be included.
  • The product should have a holistic approach to supporting the body.
  • The product should be GMP produced and thus guaranteed free of impurities and contaminants.
  • The product should be developed on sound, up-to-date scientific bases and, in the best case, processed with technologies that take care of optimal absorption.

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