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FitLine Test, Experiences & Recommendations

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Independent distributor of PM International AG

There are thousands of nutritional supplement products on the market and each one promises true miracles - so it's natural that you are overwhelmed to find the right one, that you are skeptical, and that you doubt why now our products at Fitmio should be something better.

That's why I want to tell you here about my personal FitLine experience with the products, give you my recommendations, and give you a few tips on how to do your own, individual FitLine test.

The most important thing is that you don't just blindly listen to what you read somewhere, no matter what direction it goes. In particular, if you read something negative and let that stop you from trying something yourself, you've handed over the decision about your life to others. Not very clever, especially when you know that there are intentionally damaging articles online that are paid for by competitors.

Just do your own test, and only then you will know what is good for you, and what belongs to your own truth. Find out in detail from reputable sources, such as the manufacturer itself, or the people who know the products for years, work with them, and thus have made experiences with thousands of people. E.g. like us. :-)

FitLine products - FitLine test and experience

My experience with nutritional supplements

I began already over 22 years ago from my professional background as a nutrition and vitality consultant and with my own fitness center, to deal with the subject of nutritional supplements, and tried a lot of what is available on the market.
Often it is written in the media that a supply of nutrients via dietary supplements is not necessary, or would even harm. Also this statement you should doubt very well. Because I noticed already as a very young person that my body was not properly supplied, and also laboratory tests officially show that there is simply much less in the food you can buy as it was a few decades ago.

My goal was to simply provide my cells with an ideal daily nutrient intake, which was challenging for me even via organic supermarket foods. And that's probably how it is for many.

Awareness of what healthy eating really is is particularly often lacking, because very few people learn this. Thus, nutrient-poor foods such as white flour products, pastries, fast food and sweets are often eaten far too often. With increasing age, possible deficits due to poor nutrition and the resulting consequences can thus become greater.

So I started to eat better and my experience was that even a fresh food from the supermarket did not meet the desires I had. So I paid more attention to the intake of wild herbs and organic vegetables from regional farmers.
I also had certain challenges as an "almost vegan", for example, to supply myself properly with essential amino acids, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. This is a problem that not only vegans have.

So I started trying a lot of supplements for that. Strangely enough, I found that they didn't make any difference to me, which I just didn't understand. I knew my body needed them, but I had the feeling that they were just not being absorbed. You may have had this experience too! I learned much later that most supplements are simply not actually formulated and manufactured to be ideally absorbed by the body. And that is exactly what I experienced.

The bottom line is that there are a lot of products on the market that just don't provide good benefits because there is no real and thorough science and development behind them on nutrient needs and absorption in the body. So you can avoid buying those - but, your body might appreciate a good support. You just have to try it for yourself.

That's how I felt when I got to know the FitLine products, which I have been using for years now, as well as my family and many friends. I have been working with them for over 22 years now. I have heard and witnessed FitLine experiences from hundreds of people. So what is the difference here?

My favorites and recommendations - what I use every day

This product line was the first and only one in my life so far that completely convinced me when I used it - of its quality and benefits for good nutritional optimisation.

The products also all taste great, scoring high on high quality that is second to none, solid scientific development and research, thoughtful, holistic concepts, and unique, patented formulas and technologies.

I have yet to find this complete package with all of these factors and benefits and noticeable results anywhere else, and so after many years I continue to stand behind these products with absolute conviction.

Which products are my recommendations for you?

When you start with these supplements, I generally recommend our Optimal Set as a base. This is a brilliant basic supply that brings you numerous vitamins, minerals, trace elements, thousands of beneficial plant compounds, plus enzymes and lactic acid bacteria. I love this set and it is used daily.

I also use Omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids as an important supply, and also really like the FitLine Yogurt provides many live lactic acid bacteria.

And as secret tip for anti aging should not be missing Q10 and our genius Beauty, although not a vital, but simply a great product. :-)

How to do your own FitLine test with the products

If you don't know our supplements and cosmetics yet, you should definitely do your own FitLine test now. You should keep in mind that you should take your chosen products daily, and exactly as prescribed, for at least 90 days. This is because your body needs time to regenerate, and deficiencies cannot logically be replenished overnight.

The best way to start your FitLine test is by ordering your Optimal Set, because it will give you the best, most holistic results in many ways.

Of course, you can also contact us for personal advice before placing an order, so that we can recommend the most suitable products for you. Suitable for your situation and your goals and wishes.

Then carefully read our email with the intake instructions that you will receive from us after your order. Start taking the product and continue daily for at least 90 days for your FitLine test. Just keep a close eye on what you like and dislike about the product, write it down and make your own real FitLine experience.

Ordering directly from our manufacturer online shop offers you many advantages, including the possibility to test 30 days risk-free. In addition, as independent partners of PM International AG / of FitLine products, you have us at your side as competent contacts who give you all the information and free advice whenever you need us.
Please do not order from sales platforms such as Amazon, because selling there is not allowed for products in direct sales. You lose the benefits of low prices and return guarantees, and you don't know where the products come from.

If you have any questions about which products are right for you, or if you have any other doubts and concerns, just write to us via our non-binding consultation.

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Independent distributor of PM International / FitLine

Quality Facts And Benefits

Highest quality & safety

Made in Germany, pure high-quality ingredients, independent controls, production according to GMP standard & verified doping-free (all products are listed on Kölner Liste®).

Results and innovation

The Nutrient Transport Concept, more than 70 patents and constant research and development distinguish the products as highly innovative and unique. Experience the best results.

Higly coveted worldwide

Family company with worldwide distribution, more than 800 million products sold in over 30 years. Several million users in over 45 countries, including thousands of top athletes.

Product experts since 2001

We are product experts & nutritionists for over 22 years. We support you personally and holistically in all issues and provide you with insider tips.

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